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April 4 2014


Tom Mullikin represents the American Bar Association in an Internal Review of the Republic of Fiji’s Mineral Exploration and Exploitation Bill 2006.


In an effort to ensure proposed new mining regulations in the Republic of Fiji offer a prudent, efficient, sustainable relationship with nature, Tom Mullikin guided over fifty legal experts with backgrounds in environmental law, natural resource management, extractive industries, health and safety issues, land tenure, royalties and indigenous populations to provide a thorough legal analysis of the Republic of Fiji’s Mineral (Exploration and Exploitation ) Bill 2006. The UNDP/Fiji voluntarily received the report and the proposed recommendations prepared in part by the team of experts specifically recruited for the analysis.



"Tom Mullikin has a huge heart for Fiji, the Pacific Rim nations, and the world. What Mullikin and his international team has done is strengthening the foundation of Fiji’s economy so that we as a nation may thrive in the global marketplace, while protecting both the Fijian people and our rich natural resources for many years to come."

Tevita G. Boseiwaqa

Permanent Secretary

Ministry of Lands and Mineral ResourcesRepublic of FiJi of Lands and Mineral Resources MINING REVIEW REPORT.pdf


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